We have compiled a number of questions that we thought you may have when reading through the content of this website. Simply click on the question and the answer will be revealed. If you do have a query that is not answered in this context, please contact us and we will respond to your email as well as post additional questions and answers on this FAQ page.

Why should I use Berger Wipes to clean my glasses?

Using incorrect cleaning materials or chemicals can cause microscopic scratches on your lenses. This will eventually cause the lens to wear down and ultimately impair your vision.

What makes Berger Wipes the best choice for me?

Our unique combination of active ingredients are free from aggressive cleaning substances and artificial fragrances. The super fine structure ensures exceptionally gentle, streak-free cleaning of all glass surfaces including eyeglasses, camera lenses, screens and more.

As they are individually packaged, you can keep them on hand for every situation.

What makes Berger Wipes the No. 1 selling wipes in Europe?

Simple. Great value for money.

We are proud to be able to offer a top quality product that costs less, and consistently delivers as promised.

Can I use the wipes more than once?

We recommend using a single wipe for one application only. This is to prevent the wipe from drying out and transferring micro-fine dirt and other particles to a second item. This ensures that all your items remain scratch-free and sparkling.

Where are Berger Wipes manufactured?

Berger Wipes are manufactured in Germany and imported to South Africa. This ensures that our product passes the strict European manufacturing guidelines and quality control tests.

Do Berger Wipes have an expiry date?

The expected shelf life of your Berger Wipes is a minimum of 36 months. The embossed number, which you will find under your box of Berger Wipes is our individual manufacturing code and does not refer to or relate to any expiry date.

I am a retailer and would like to purchase Berger Wipes for my store.

For more information on stocking our products in your store, kindly contact us via email or complete the contact form.